@article{oai:sanotan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000108, author = {小竹, 利夫 and Kotake, Toshio}, issue = {28}, journal = {佐野短期大学研究紀要, Sano College of bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article examined the meaning of“ self injury” and its prevention through a relationship with a child with a disability who violently hit his own head. It was found that the act of hitting his head can be considered as a way to calm emotions as well as a way to express feelings. Effective methods of prevention were to hold his hands or wrap his hands with a towel to provide a sense of safety, and to accept the reasons for hitting himself and his emotions.}, pages = {97--104}, title = {「自傷」の意味と回復の手立てを探る : タオルを手に巻いて安心感を得る}, year = {2017}, yomi = {コタケ, トシオ} }