@article{oai:sanotan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000099, author = {長江, 庸泰 and 遠藤, 武志 and 谷田(松﨑), 勇人 and Nagae, Tsunehiro and Endo, Takeshi and Tanida(Matsuzaki), Hayato}, issue = {28}, journal = {佐野短期大学研究紀要, Sano College of bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article is a case study which explains the establishment and the business outline of Sano Machizukuri Corporation, a community development joint-stock corporation established for the purpose of solving social problems in the city of Sano. The study was done using a fi eld research method. The study described the following four parts of the business: 1 community development planning, including the maintenance of rows of houses and stores, for the purpose of increasing population and the amount of visitors 2 advertising and the dissemination of information about Sano to visitors and prospective tenants to increase working funds 3 the planning and management of new events in Sano, to revitalize the city 4 providing rental bicycle facilities for visitors We categorized these business elements as soft business or hard, and treated Akihabara Town Management Co. as a bench mark, based on the SPDLI model. Finally, we proposed strategies for systematizing the elements of community development for the purpose of profi table regional revitalization management.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {まちづくりの事例研究 : さのまちづくり株式会社の設立と事業概要}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ナガエ, ツネヒロ and エンドウ, タケシ and タニダ(マツザキ), ハヤト} }